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Man tryin to trick the cops ends up with a several headache

no addtional info srry


CC: "love, the other runs to the other direction" or something like that


Ive been watching gore for quite some time now, and I've seen almost all of the videos people suggest are the worst. I enjoy watching gore but i miss the feeling of watching something and barely being able to look at it. And i miss the feeling of not being able to get it out of my head for days. Does anyone have any real suggestions for what to do now that most gore doesnt affect me anymore? If anyone has links to things they think are the worst of the worst please link fr. xoxo


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  • weltschmerz : CW!!!
  • Qyr : Child warning needed- Title & Video make it obvious.
  • Catastrophic : Possibly against rule 4. Needs child warning if not.

If you want se more follow mi telegram universal horror

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