

I remember seeing this video on Twitter. It shows a mother crouched down beside her daughter who is laid out on the street in board day light in public and I am not sure if she is dead or not, but looks close to it and the mother is screaming and crying in a different language that isn't English. I remember it being very sad. Anyone have any ideas? (Sorry for the repost, used the wrong flair.) :marseysad2:

Yogi The Bear's Picnic Adventures


We have shark and piranha videos, but no barracuda gore??

I want some.

I need some!

Also- more shark and piranha videos!

Non-squeamish folk, anything that even YOU can't handle sometimes?

Just curious about the things some of you non-squeamish people have difficult times dealing with. Videos, images, or certain gore topics in general?

I've seen a lot of fucked up things over the years. I'm practically almost desensitized sometimes. But sometimes I'll still manage to find something that like... makes my balls retract up into me a little bit.

There was a video I saw on here a while ago of a guy lying on the pavement with like part of his side missing, and his lung was literally like sticking outside of his body. Even I was just like "Eeeesh..."

Or sometimes things involving eyes, whether they're being gouged out, or like cataract surgeries and things like that.

What about you guys?

Pizza nuggets AI commercial


title is copy paste from source

Inside a Nuclear Submarine. USS Indiana (SSN-789) Tour 2023

CHILD WARNING (Found) (CHILD WARNING) Looking for a suicide jump video

Does anyone have a video known as Suicidio en el Hotel Sheraton (Suicide at the Sheraton Hotel), with a teen named Nathaly Rikeros jumping off the hotel?


Sometimes i found informational videos about divers recovering dead bodies on youtube and obviously they wont show the bodies in there,so i wonder if i can get a video where we can see dead bodies on the camera attached on divers head

(im sorry if i was mistaken in spelling,english is not my first languange)

Dude in a vehicle accident gets flung very high

Africans stoning and burning some guy alive again

Adulting makes me wanna kill myself

I'm just gonna rant because I don't know if anyone else has felt this way and I figured this would be the most likely place to find fellow mentally ill people.

So I'm 19 and I'm gonna be moving out with my fiancé soon and even though I'm happy I still have this underlying intrusive thought. Like thinking about doing anything outside of my room, such as like having a house or having sex whenever I want or having the freedom to do things in my life makes me genuinely suicidal. Idk I sometimes just want someone to live my life for me and I just watch it play out like a movie. Like I think it's some kind of age dysphoria or something because it's not the typical like "I wanna be a kid forever" it's more like the fundamental idea of adulthood is something I don't even want to interact with. Like the thought of just deciding on a whim to go on vacation or to like move makes me sick to my stomach Like I was just watching porn and like thinking about being able to like do that freely like that makes me feel sick and I kid you not my hand will sometimes like instinctively do like a trigger pulling motion. wtf is going on with me

Two videos of Brazilian police ramming planes with trucks

First video is from 2011, the plane had electronics that were to be sold on the black market:

Second video is from 2013, and the plane had 500lb of cocaine:



Haunting songs/themes #9 Ulver - Silence Teaches You How To Sing (From the film Sinister)

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